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The revel is actually a perverted celebration of indulgence by those members of the Cult of Moments thoroughly influenced by the Unmade, Ashertmarn.[1]

When Veil first reaches the revel, a bonfire burns on the ground, flames crackling and whipping in the wind, bathing her in heat. Corrupted flamespren, vivid blue and somehow more jagged, dance inside of it. Tables line the walkway there, piled with food. Candied meats, stacks of flatbread crusted with sugar, fruits and pastries.[1]

She observes that people therein laugh and shout, occasionally scooping food off tables with their bare hands. Further, that many had been ardents, marked by brown robes. Others are lighteyes, though their clothing had ... decayed? It seems a fitting word for those suits with missing jackets, havah dresses whose skirts were ragged from brushing the ground. Safehand sleeves ripped off at the shoulder and discarded somewhere.[1]

The people move like fish in a school, flowing from right to left. She picks out soldiers, both lighteyed and dark, in the remnants of uniforms. They seem to take no note of her or Kharat standing to the side.[1]

According to Veil, there is so much food there. Tables and tables of it. People move in buildings, engaging in other carnal delights.[1]

Kishi witnesses there a woman with long hair dragging on the ground, grinning with clenched teeth and bleeding gums. She crawled, one hand after another, her havah shredded, faded. She was followed by a man wearing rings glowing with Stormlight, in contrast to his ripped clothing. He giggled incessantly. The food on the tables was rotted, and infested with decayspren.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Oathbringer, 78. The Revel