Stormlight Archive Wiki
Biographical information
Ethnicity Shin
Nationality Shin
Gender Male
Status Dead
Family Vallano (father),
Szeth's Mother (wife),[1] Szeth (son), Szeth's Sister (daughter)[1]
Occupation Shepherd
Appears in The Way of Kings (mentioned),
Rhythm of War (mentioned)

Neturo was a Shin. His father was Vallano. Neturo fathered Szeth.[2] He worked as a shepherd in his youth. Szeth believes he is still alive in Shinovar,[1] though Taravangian says Neturo is dead.[3]


Szeth describes his father as the bearer of a different sword, a different burden.[1] Szeth remembers time with his father as a simple one, before his family had been given to the Honorblades. After that, his gentle father had been taught to kill.[1]


Something adverse occurred between Neturo and his son, because Szeth prefers to be known as Szeth-son-son-Vallano rather than Szeth-son-Neturo. Alternatively, this may be due to the fact that Szeth does not wish to shame his father with his status as Truthless.[citation needed]

